Common mistakes to avoid when washing hair

Les erreurs courantes à éviter lors du lavage des cheveux
Hair washing is an essential part of our daily routine, but it's easy to make mistakes that can impact our hair. Whether you wash your hair every day or once a week, it's important to optimize this routine by avoiding these little mistakes that can compromise results. In this article, we'll talk to Dominique D., a scalp dermatologist, who recommends washing your hair between two and three times a week.
Mistake 1: Not brushing your hair before shampooing
To make a success of your shampoo ritual, it is important to prepare your hair by brushing it before. "Especially if you have long hair, this eliminates impurities and facilitates detangling. It also allows the scalp to be aired", explains Dominique.
Mistake 2: Incorrect shampoo application
One of the most common mistakes is applying shampoo incorrectly. "Often, we forget that shampoo is intended primarily for the scalp. Hair that looks dirty or greasy is often the result of excess sebum at the roots," adds the dermatologist. It is therefore advisable to massage the scalp, as well as the areas behind the ears and at the nape of the neck, as these are places conducive to perspiration. "If you have long or medium-length hair, you don't need to put it on the ends. Too much shampoo can dry out the lengths. Also, when rinsing, the product will naturally glide on the ends, where it is usually enough to eliminate impurities."
Mistake 3: Using too much product
The amount of shampoo you use is also important: "A 1 euro coin can be used as a benchmark. In any case, it is better to avoid using too much and wet your hair beforehand. Do not hesitate to add water to emulsify well, especially with natural shampoos which foam less." According to our specialist, an excessive amount of shampoo can weigh down the hair. "If you don't rinse properly, your hair is at risk of becoming greasy." This is obviously not the expected result.
Mistake 4: Not doing two washes
Dominique recommends doing two washes, as these two steps have different functions. "The first wash cleanses, while the second treats the hair." It is therefore important not to forget to repeat the operation. For the first application, which eliminates impurities and perspiration, it is advisable to let it act a little, especially if you have problems with oily hair or irritated scalp. "But don't leave it on too long, because it's not a mask. The important thing is to massage, rather than rub, because that could reactivate the problems of oiliness, dandruff or itching." You can, for example, apply the product, leave it on while you cleanse the rest of your body, then rinse.

You may wonder if it's best to use the same shampoo every time you wash or try different ones to address specific issues. "It's a personal question. It all depends on your scalp. If you notice excess sebum, it may be better to do a specific treatment for oily hair for a week, then alternate with another type of shampoo." We nevertheless recommend, in this specific case, to follow a specific routine until your scalp regains its balance. "But don't do it too long, because you don't want to sanitize your scalp too much." In any case, as soon as you observe signs of improvement, you can alternate shampoos, either during the same wash, or during the week. On the other hand, if you have found a shampoo that suits you, there is no reason to change it.
Mistake 5: Forgetting conditioner
The conditioner is not to be neglected according to our specialist. For what ? "It really works on the lengths, which is why it's best to apply it only on the lengths and avoid the scalp. It has a dual role: moisturizing and detangling. To nourish deeply, you can opt for a hair mask." Indeed, the hair needs hydration, regardless of the season, because the cold and the sun can dry it out, making it dull and rough. "However, don't leave the conditioner on for too long. One minute is enough, then rinse," warns Dominique. "For effective application, I recommend using a wide-toothed comb, as it facilitates detangling and a better distribution of the product."
Error 6: Set water temperature incorrectly
In winter we tend to use hot water to keep us warm, while in summer we like to cool down with cold water. However, to rinse your hair, extremes are not recommended, as the dermatologist reminds us. "Ideally use lukewarm water, as hot water softens the hair, which is not good for the cuticles." On the other hand, cold water is not completely to be avoided, but it should be used only at the end of your routine. "Finish with a spritz of cold water, but only after both shampoos and conditioner, to tighten scales." The expert also stresses the importance of taking the time to rinse your hair thoroughly.
Mistake 7: Drying your hair incorrectly

Once you've finished washing your hair, avoid rubbing it vigorously to dry it. "Wrap your hair in a towel, making a turban to wring it out well. The idea is for the towel to absorb the most water before moving on to the detangling stage." Additionally, Dominique recommends gently squeezing or dabbing your hair, but especially not vigorously rubbing it, as this may irritate your scalp and further tangle your hair. "And never forget not to sleep with wet hair, especially in winter." Indeed, wet hair tends to macerate and can lead to irritation, dandruff or even scalp eczema.

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