False eyelashes and extensions: beware danger?

Faux cils et extensions : attention danger ?

Beware of eyelash extensions and tints because these beauty treatments are not always as harmless as they seem! If you dream of a doe-eyed look, you may well end up with nightmare-worthy eye problems.

Imagine yourself, lying at the beautician, choosing the length and thickness of your future dream eyelashes. But be careful, because even though these synthetic extensions can keep you shining for four to five weeks, the glue used to attach them can be the source of a lot of trouble. It often contains allergenic and irritating products, capable of causing adverse reactions such as itching, allergies or even infections. Not exactly ideal to get your dear ophthalmologist's heart beating, is it?

And that's not all ! With fuller and longer lashes, you get a real fan boost with every blink. It's certainly very glamorous, but your cornea may take a hit and dry out, leaving the door open to aggression. So, if you want to keep your eyes lively and sparkling, it is better to keep a little sobriety in the length of your eyelashes.

And to top it off, have you ever heard of eyelash lice? Yes, these unpleasant little creatures could well invade your beautiful voluminous eyelashes if you are not careful. Be sure to choose an impeccably clean beauty salon to avoid any unexpected contamination.

But it's not over with eyelash and eyebrow tinting! They are not always as friendly as they claim. The ingredients used, such as ammonia and paraphenylenediamine, can cause serious problems. Even henna, if it is black, can hide these allergenic substances, which is really not cool.

And we're not just talking about minor irritations here. Cases of acute blepharoconjunctivitis have been reported, a real inflammation of the eyelids coupled with conjunctivitis which can be followed by a staphylococcal infection. And frankly, no one needs that in their life.

Be careful with your eyelashes and think about pampering your eyes as much as you do your appearance. You will understand, a little natural never hurts, and your eyes will certainly thank you! Then we will prefer the world's #1 eyelash serum for naturally longer, thicker and more curved eyelashes...

Source: 60 Million Consumers

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